THE BIBLE ~ The Bible is God’s Word to all people.
TRINITY ~ God has existed in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
THE FATHER ~ God is great: He is all powerful, all knowing, ever present, unchanging, completely worthy of our trust, and above all, Holy. It is in Him that we live, move and exist.
THE SON ~ Jesus Christ is completely human but, at the same time, completely God. He is the only plan for bringing people who are far from God back into a right relationship with God.
THE HOLY SPIRIT ~ The Holy Spirit’s presence assures us of our relationship with Christ. He guides believers into all truth and exalts Christ.
ETERNITY ~ Man was created to exist forever. He will exist either eternally separated from God by sin or in union with God through forgiveness and salvation.
MAN ~ Man is made in the image of God and is the supreme object of His creation. Every human personality is uniquely created, possesses dignity, and is worthy of respect and Christian love.
SALVATION ~ The blood of Jesus Christ, shed on the cross, provides the only way of salvation through the forgiveness of sin.
THE CHURCH ~ The Church is a local community of baptized believers unified through faith in Christ.
1. JESUS IS THE CENTER ~ It’s about: Integrated Priorities
2. WE BELIEVE BIG AND START SMALL ~ It’s about: Active Faith
3. WE HONOR ONE ANOTHER TO GLORIFY GOD ~ It’s about: Valuing People
4. WE FOCUS ON WHAT MATTERS ~ It’s about: Targeted Excellence
5. WE DON’T MAINTAIN….WE MULTIPLY ~ It’s about: Ongoing Growth
6. WE EAT THE FISH AND LEAVE THE BONES ~ It’s about: Teachable Attitudes
7. WE ARE THE BODY OF CHRIST IN ACTION ~ It’s about: Promoting Unity